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SIB Adjust margin requirement crossing over weekend or long holiday

Due to the continued tension in Russia and Ukraine, the market turns volatile recently, our company has reduced the risk of client transactions and will adjust the required maintenance margin level to 150% for the open contracts crossing over the weekend or long public holiday starting from February 25 2022 (Friday).  If the account maintenance margin level drops below 150%, our company will liquidate the open contracts based on “Last In First Out” basis until the margin level is back to 150%.

Please pay attention to the fund level of your account and make fund allocation in advance.

Account new balance HKD30,000,open 1 lot LLG margin requirement HKD26,500 (General investor)

At the close of weekend,there appears floating loss HKD20,000

Equity =30,000–20,000=10,000

Margin level=10,000/26,500×100% = 37.7%

Because of Equity/Margin requirement ratio drops below 150%, there will liquidate the open contracts using closing price.

Note: The liquidation method is based on the “last in first out” method and then liquidated by one lot, but if a single transaction is less than one lot, the whole transaction will be liquidated

Examples of liquidation methods are as follows
The client first trade 1 lot LLG, then 2 lots LLS, and finally 3.5 lots HKG

The company will liquidate the position on the basis of “last in, first out”, that is, HKG first. If cut 1 lot of HKG account resume margin level to 150%, then only 1 lot will be cut, but if it is not enough, it will be based on every 1 lot. Calculate liquidation, such as piles.

If you have any enquiries, please feel free to call our Customer Service Department.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Success International Bullion (H.K.) Limited